Advocate or Volunteer to Support Israel 


At this moment, Israel needs the unwavering support of our government officials. Join the American Jewish Committee (AJC) in pushing for all federal, state, and local leaders to unequivocally condemn Hamas and stand with Israel against terror. Take action now. It only takes 30 seconds.

Join others worldwide in writing letters or sharing drawings/pictures for Israeli soldiers on the front lines. This is an opportunity to show the IDF support for defending the Jewish people and the State of Israel. Any member of your household from young to old can participate in this small but significant gesture of support. Use this link to upload messages of hope and gratitude to the Federation drop box. 

The blue ribbon symbolizes support for the safe return of the hostages taken by Hamas terrorists in Israel, and solidarity with the hostages, their families and all who care about their safety. Wearing a ribbon or tying them to your trees and mailboxes publicly unites you with people of all religions, races, nationalities, ethnicities, ages and generations and demonstrates to the people of Israel that they are not alone and that good people across the globe are with them during this dark time. Pick up your ribbons at Federation. Learn more here

Bring both spiritual connection and protection to yourself and our brethren in Israel during this difficult time. A project of Chabad Lubavitch of Michigan. Get your mezuzah here.

Reach out, even to that old tour guide from your last trip there 25 years ago. And when they don’t respond, send another message of love. Tell them what’s being done to try to help. Tell them they aren’t alone. Such communications lift their spirits and yours.

Once a day, be determined to share factual information from credible sources and emotional stories that move you. Your non-Jewish (and Jewish) friends and colleagues need to know you are keeping Israel and its people in your heart and mind.

The 10/7 Project weekday-morning newsletter is an excellent source of credible, real-time information about events in Israel and Gaza that are unreported or underreported in the American press that you can share.

Shops and restaurants with Jewish ownership have lost non-Jewish customers and are being singled out across the globe by Pro-Hamas demonstrators, including here in Detroit. Now more than ever, keep (or start) supporting Jewish-owned businesses whenever and wherever you can. 

Show support by purchasing goods made in Israel, too. You’ll help the Israeli economy, keep jobs for Israeli producers and local vendors and actively counter the BDS movement. This resource shows you the Israeli brands to look for. 

Support Nefesh B’Nefesh’s online initiative to uplift Olim businesses throughout Israel. Despite facing challenging conditions, these businesses continue to operate diligently, contributing to the war effort while offering an array of goods including food, art and accessories. Shop to support soldiers, displaced families, north or south residents and more. 

All of us are emissaries for Israel at this moment in time. Invite your non-Jewish colleagues and friends and/or other Jews less knowledgeable about Israel. Federation can help plan an event and provide a speaker. Please email Jennifer Levine, Senior Director, Israel & Overseas at


HaShomer implements a wide variety of volunteer and educational activities in Israel’s agricultural and open spaces, serving the diversity of Israeli society. Volunteers are in high demand now that large portions of the work force have been called to serve in the IDF.

Israeli agriculture is a $6 billion industry, and in the aftermath of the Hamas attack, as IDF reservists were called back to duty and foreign farm workers were displaced, the food was going to rot. Israel Food Rescue is recruiting volunteers, age 30-80, who are willing to roll up their sleeves and perform physical labor for a minimum of 5 workdays. You may be picking crops, sorting produce, or packaging food for transport.

Since the 7th of October Sar-El has been on the ground, working tirelessly with thousands of volunteers who have been lending a helping hand in every conceivable way. These dedicated individuals have been actively involved in the critical tasks of checking, sorting and packing vital medical supplies, preparing combat meals, assembling ceramic vests, and other broad logistical support to the IDF throughout the country.

Taglit Birthright Israel offers opportunities to stand with the people of Israel during these difficult times. Through their Onward Volunteer program you can take part in food rescue operations to prevent shortages in the Israeli market or sort, pack and distribute goods for civil and military personnel.

In light of the ongoing situation in Israel, the Israeli Ministry of Health is building a list of medical personnel from abroad to volunteer in Israel should the need arise. In the event of further strains on the health system, as well as in preparation for future natural or man-made disasters, we invite friends of Israel to add their names to our growing community of medical personnel who stand with Israel. Doctors, nurses, paramedics, and other medical personnel licensed abroad who wish to volunteer should join using the Ministry of Health’s online form, to ensure pre-clearance of medical licenses.

Nefesh B’Nefesh, in collaboration with the Israeli Ministry of Health, is creating a database of international physicians willing to volunteer in Israel during this challenging time. Selected volunteer physicians will be matched with an Israeli hospital or medical center as requested by the Ministry of Health and Nefesh B’Nefesh will facilitate the travel and logistics for selected volunteer physicians.