Greetings From Your New Shinshinim  

Hi everyone, we are the new Shinshinim (young Israeli emissaries), Shira, Ori, Nisan, Ofir and Shahar. Before we share with you the reasons we chose to be Shinshinim and why it’s important to us, we wanted you to get to know us a little better. 

My name is Shira, I live in Kibbutz Hanaton, a Kibbutz in the partnership region. I have two siblings, my brother, Matan, who is currently serving in the IDF and studying at Hebrew University, and my sister, Talya, who is in tenth grade.  

Before I left Israel, I was a concert violinist. I was part of the Israeli Youth Philharmonic Orchestra, a participant of the Jerusalem Music Center programs for gifted musicians and a counselor in my youth movement “NOAM.”   

In my free time, I love traveling, listening to music and hanging out with my friends. 

Hi, I’m Ori. I’m from moshav Tel Adashim which is in the partnership region. My dad Nitsan is a freelancer and my mom Adi works in the Herzliya municipality. I have an older sister who is currently serving in the IDF as a paratrooper instructor and a younger sister who just started the 8th grade. I was a counselor in my youth movement “Hatnua Hadasha” for three years where I worked with kids of all ages. In my free time I enjoy reading books and traveling.  

Shalom! My name is Nisan, and I’m an 18-year-old Israeli shinshin with a deep love for Israel and Judaism. Though I was born in Chicago, I spent my early years in Austin, Texas, before moving to Israel at age 8, where I now live in the vibrant city of Hod Hasharon. My journey has been shaped by my incredible parents and two brothers, one older and one younger, as well as my involvement in the youth movement נוער העובד והלומד (Hanoar HaOved VeHalomed). After nine years of participating, first as a kid and later as a counselor, I’ve experienced firsthand the power of community and connection. 

I am Ofir from Kfar-Saba. I’m 17 and I’ve grown up with amazing parents. My oldest brother, Yuval, has served as a major in the army for 10 years. My second brother, Ori, is married, is a teacher and a proud father, making me an uncle. My sister Hadar, who recently got married, is studying speech therapy. I’ve always loved playing basketball and guitar, and I’m passionate about connecting with people and exploring new ideas and reading books. 

My name is Shahar, I live in the partnership region in Givat Ella. I am the eldest daughter of three siblings, Ofir is 12, and Yuval is 16. My dad is a diver in the IDF and my mom is the director of an association for bilingual kindergartens that includes Arabs and Jews from the region. I was a counselor in the youth movement “Bnei Hamoshavim” for three years. In my free time I like to do crossfit, dive and I will actually be a diver for the IDF when I draft. 

All of us chose to be Shinshinim because we wanted to contribute and strengthen the connection between the Jewish people in Israel and around the world. We believe in the values of Zionism and see the importance of not only Jews living in Israel but also those living abroad. We wanted to take part in building, preserving and strengthening this connection. Since October 7th we have felt the unwavering support of American Jews and we feel that it is our obligation to give back. 

We’re so happy to be in Detroit, and have been enjoying meeting so many people in this warm and welcoming community. We’re looking forward to getting to know you, and seeing you around. 

About the Shinshinim Program   
Shinshinim are high-school graduates who choose to defer their military service for a year of service abroad. The Shinshinim bring their energy, love of Israel and unique perspectives to our synagogues, schools and Jewish Community Center through educational lessons, presentations, arts and crafts, music and personal connections with community members of all ages. One of the main objectives of bringing Shinshinim to our community is to encourage Israeli engagement that ultimately builds a bridge between Michigan and Israel.  



