Allison in Israel

In just a few days, I had the privilege of immersing myself in initiatives fueled by the unwavering commitment of organizations like our very own Israel and Overseas Allocations Committee (IOAC). Among them was HaGal Sheli, a program supported by IOAC, which provides therapeutic surfing sessions to at-risk youth. Witnessing the profound impact, it has on thousands of young lives was truly inspiring.

In just a few days, I had the privilege of immersing myself in initiatives fueled by the unwavering commitment of organizations like our very own IOAC. Among them was HaGal Sheli, a program supported by IOAC, which provides therapeutic surfing sessions to at-risk youth. Witnessing the profound impact, it has on thousands of young lives was truly inspiring.

Venturing northward, I found myself in our partnership regions, where I had the honor of meeting 130 Israeli campers who will soon embark on a transformative journey to Detroit. Together, we shared in the traditions of Shabbat, exchanged insights on American Judaism, and forged bonds that transcend borders. It was a beautiful testament to the enduring strength of partnership and community.

My journey also took me southward to sites deeply impacted by the events of October 7th. At Kibbutz Be’eri, we were guided by a resident who shared his poignant personal story, underscoring the resilience of the human spirit in the face of unimaginable tragedy. Visiting the Nova music festival site, we embraced Ayelet Puder, mother of Maya, a past Israeli Camper who tragically lost her life. While the day was filled with sorrow, it was a poignant reminder of the importance of bearing witness to the past and honoring the resilience of those affected.

Despite the somber moments, this week was also filled with moments of profound connection and hope. Meeting each remarkable individual who will join us for a summer of sanctuary and warmth reminded me of the resilience and spirit of our community.

As we commemorate Yom Haatzmaut, celebrating 76 years of the Jewish state, let us also reflect on the actions we can take to ensure that the atrocities of the past are never repeated. Each of us has a role to play in upholding the values of peace, tolerance, and remembrance. Together, let us strive to make a difference so that we can truly honor the pledge of “Never Again.”

Am Yisrael Chai.

With solidarity and hope,
Allison Gutman
Senior Associate, Israel & Overseas Department



