Steven Ingber named as Federation’s new Chief Executive Officer

May 6, 2021

On behalf of Matthew B. Lester, JFMD President, and Dennis S. Bernard, UJF President:

We are excited to share the news that the Jewish Federation/United Jewish Foundation has named Steven Ingber as its new Chief Executive Officer, effective immediately.

The announcement comes after a national executive search, led by a committee of JFMD/UJF volunteers chaired by Lawrence Wolfe. We thank the committee for their diligence and hard work.

Steve joined the organization as Chief Operating Officer in 2016. He has served as JFMD’s lead professional since the end of 2019, when former CEO Scott Kaufman stepped down after nine years in the role. Over the past year, Steve has been guiding the organization through the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the most challenging times in the history of our organization.

There could have been no greater test for a leader. The health and welfare of the Detroit Jewish community depends on the Federation, and it is clear that Steve is doing an extraordinary job. He has skillfully managed the complex response to the crisis while continuing to strengthen the Jewish Federation for the future. Steve has also built strong, collaborative relationships with individuals across all levels of the organization, as well as with leaders and stakeholders throughout the community.

As many of you know, Steve brings a unique combination of business skills, commitment and passion to serve others in his efforts on behalf of the Jewish community. He has a deep understanding of both the mission and operational aspects of the Jewish Federation, and he has been extremely successful in working to solve both immediate and longstanding challenges. We are confident that he is the right individual to lead the organization forward.

Prior to joining the Jewish Federation, Steve was an entrepreneur who owned and operated an automotive wholesale distribution business in the metro Detroit area. He graduated from the Business School at the University of Michigan in 2001 (now the Ross School of Business). He lives with his wife Jill and four sons in Huntington Woods.

I hope you will all join us in wishing Steve a warm congratulations and Mazel Tov as he assumes this well-deserved new role.




