With a (very) long list of causes, Boards, Committees and business roles to his name, Gary Torgow remains humble in his belief in the guiding power of the Almighty as the source of his success. From his great personal inspiration, his grandfather, to being the current president of Yeshiva Beth Yahuda, to taking on our biggest challenges in world Jewlry, this dedicated community leader and family man shares his foundation for personal and professional fulfillment.

Mazel tov to this month’s Mitzvah Maker: Warren Tessler

Mitzvah Maker is the segment of the show where we honor an unsung hero in our community.
Dr. Warren Tessler may have retired from his career as a Dentist, but his will to help others is still an important part of his daily routine. An active community volunteer, including Farber Day School, Kosher Meals On Wheels and Yad Ezra, he is always ready to share his upbeat enthusiasm for life and Tikkun Olam. Oh yeah, this JSL Eight Over Eighty honoree has also ridden his bike across Israel — more than once — to raise funds for those in need.
Do you know someone who is deserving of this honor? Nominate them here!
FedRadioDetroit is Federation’s podcast series hosted by Sam Dubin and Beverly Liss and featuring big personalities from Jewish Detroit’s diverse cast of characters. Explore previous episodes and stay tuned for a new episode next month here.