Our Eternal Jewish Spirit: Shabbat Reflections

Our Jewish spirit, which shines so brightly during times of joy and celebration, is equally present in moments of difficulty and pain. When faced with hardships, the wisdom of our traditions and the unique fabric of our peoplehood is an enormous source of strength and comfort.

This extraordinary spirit has been transformed into action in recent days and weeks, as we have worked together to face the most daunting crisis in recent memory.

We have seen an outpouring of care and concern for those affected and for the many fragile individuals among us. We have seen enormous generosity as community donors and funders have stepped forward to offer much-needed financial resources. And we have seen tremendous on-the-ground efforts from our social service agencies, schools, congregations and other organizations as they work around the clock to respond to the needs of their constituents.

This spirit is present, too, when we grieve. This week, we lost one of our treasured faculty members at Hillel Day School, Tony Sanders, may his memory be a blessing. Our hearts go out to his family and loved ones, and to the entire HDS community for this devastating loss.

These are difficult days, and as a united community we will continue to rely on one another as we face the ongoing impact of the Covid-19 outbreak. The Jewish Federation and our partners across the community will continue to do everything in our power to protect the vulnerable and to provide for those in need of care.

Now we turn to Shabbat, a sacred time set aside to nourish this spirit. Even as the world around us changes from moment to moment, we are fortunate to have this chance to connect with our eternal source of strength and hope.

May you find peace and meaning with those around you. May the sabbath offer a window of warmth and light, and may this time help restore your spirit for the days ahead.

Shabbat Shalom, with love and gratitude for our entire Jewish community.

Beverly B. Liss
Jewish Federation of Detroit

Alan Jay Kaufman
United Jewish Foundation of Metropolitan Detroit

Please remember that the Jewish Federation and our partners are here for you. Visit our online resource page for help, connection and other information. And remember to call JHELP directly at 1-833-445-4357 to connect to services, including our Food Delivery Program for Older Adults.



