Preserving Your Covid-19 Experiences

The Rabbi Leo M. Franklin Archives of Temple Beth El and the Leonard N. Simons Jewish Community Archives are teaming up to preserve the stories of our community in this unprecedented time in our history. Future generations will wonder how we went about our daily lives while under so many restrictions, from stay-at-home orders to social distancing and limiting interactions. We have gone from gathering in large groups to learn, celebrate, and worship to keeping our distance and shielding ourselves behind masks and video calls.  It is important that we document these times and the ways Michigan Jewish communities reacted, adapted, and innovated to the changing social and political landscape. 

This is an ongoing project. There is no deadline and you can donate more than once. 

What We Collect

We are looking for anything that documents how you are coping with the limitations of COVID while still living your lives. Every aspect of our lives has changed because of COVID-19. Whether it is finding a way to work remotely, homeschooling your kids, entertaining your family while in lockdown, celebrating milestones without parties, or just navigating once-simple tasks like grocery shopping or running errands. 

Photographs: Share photographs that capture everyday life during the time of COVID. Please only submit photographs that you own.

Diaries/Journals: Diaries entries can be daily or sporadic, typed or handwritten. These should be your personal thoughts and reflections; no need to worry about grammar or spelling. Keep it authentic! 

Audio/Video: Share your reflections or just give us a glimpse into your everyday life via audio or video and upload the file. Make sure to include your name and date while recording.

Oral History Interview: Interview friends and family using your phone’s audio or video recorder and upload the file. Here are some questions to get your started. If you want us to interview you, we can schedule a zoom interview. Just click “Oral History Interview” in the pull-down menu below and click “Schedule an interview over Zoom.”

Questionnaire: We welcome everyone to fill out the questionnaire, whether or not you have contributed other materials. You can answer as many or as few questions as you desire.

NOTE: Preferred file types for upload — .jpg, .png, .tiff, .pdf, .doc, .docx, MP3, MP4, .wav, .mov, .ppt.

Collections Form

For more information, contact…

Laura Williams
Director of Cultural Resources
Rabbi Leo M. Franklin Archives at Temple Beth El

Robbie Terman
Director, Leonard N. Simons Jewish Community Archives
Jewish Federation of Detroit

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