A Message for Shabbat

Shabbat brings light into our lives, regardless of the difficulties we may be facing.
Indeed, these are frightening and difficult times. Many of our most vulnerable individuals are facing circumstances that threaten their health and well-being. All of us, regardless of circumstance, are struggling to adjust to extraordinary changes in our daily lives.
Despite this, we know that together we will weather this storm, just as we have during times of crisis in the past. We are fortunate to live in one of the most resilient and close-knit communities anywhere. Our local organizations—including social service agencies, schools and congregations across Jewish Detroit—are working together to relieve hardships and plan for an uncertain future.
The Jewish Federation remains central to these activities. We remain in close communication with our partner organizations as well as public health and safety authorities to coordinate a collective response. We are also providing remote programming that offers information and connection online. And we are preparing to launch an Emergency Campaign to ensure that resources are available to meet the many critical needs that are now emerging. Again, there is reason to be grateful despite the challenges: It is not an overstatement to note that Jewish Detroit is the most generous and committed Jewish community in the world.
We want to remind you all that resources for help and connection are available online here. Note that we have just added a listing of Mental Health Resources for those struggling with anxiety and other related issues. Additional information is being added daily.
Finally, we wish to offer a very special message for Shabbat. To those of you spending the Sabbath with your families, we hope you will enjoy the warmth and beauty of our Jewish tradition.
And for those who may be struggling with isolation and despair, please know that your Jewish community is here for you.
As the Talmud says, Where love is, no room is too small. Whatever may come, our Jewish community will never run out of love. 

Shabbat Shalom.

Beverly B. Liss
Jewish Federation of Detroit

Alan Jay Kaufman
United Jewish Foundation of Metropolitan Detroit



