In Case You Missed It: Welcoming Ethiopian Olim

By Naomi Miller, JFMD Director of Missions

I was thrilled to join the Jewish Federations of North America and the Jewish Agency for Israel, and represent the Jewish Federation of Detroit to welcome 280 new olim from Ethiopia to Israel.  It was early morning on the Purim holiday, a day I will always remember, seeing those adorable, somewhat exhausted and in shock children being handed mishloach manot as they stepped for the first time in their promised land.

To date, Israel has brought almost 100,000 Jews from Ethiopia to settle in Israel since the 1980’s. This is the only time in history that black people have been taken out of Africa on a large scale for something other than slavery.  There are still several thousand Jews in the Gondar region waiting to be brought to Israel; certain political realities are hindering the speed. There is a sense of urgency, and for those still waiting in Ethiopia, the Federation’s partner, the Jewish Agency, is doing remarkable work to prepare them for the resettlement. As we approach the holiday of Passover, the festival of freedom, let’s remember the work that our community, with our partners in Israel and the Jewish world, are doing and will continue to do to make our Jewish brethren experience true freedom…

Click here for a video of the exciting arrival of the olim to Israel



